CPP Client Docs rewrite
Rewriting CPP Client Documentation. Filling in missing information, writing new pages, and restructuring existing documentation to be more coherent, make information easier to access, and have the docs be more beginner friendly.
Documentation outline:
What is corelink cpp client?
Corelink Key Concepts
How do you install corelink client?
2.1 Install dependencies
2.2 Clone Corelink from gitlab
2.3 Optionally compile corelink
How do you use corelink
4.1 Route 1: Include corelink directly in your project as source code.
Describe steps on how to point your project/ compiler to corelink include and src directories
4.2 Route 2: Include corelink as a dynamically linked library. Describe steps on how to compile corelink. In this case, corelink becomes a third-party dependency for your project.
Ensure that all the paths to bin/ lib/ are available at runtime -> add bin/ lib/ paths to %PATH% var or $PATH
4.3 Describe steps on how to include third-party dependency directories (include, bin, lib).
Links to examples