Server Documentation
Issue Title
Server Documentation
Create Server Documentation Pipeline
The server documentation is up. should look kind of like this -
Current behavior
create server docs script -
I looked for the docker. i was convinced it is in gitlab-ci, but it seems its not there. but in general, this was the old setup:
cp config/default.json5.sample config/default.json5
cp config/knexfile.js.sample config/knexfile.js
npm run devinstall
cp config/server-crt.pem .
cp config/server-key.pem .
cp config/ca-crt.pem .
node corelink.js & disown
sleep 2
cd tests
node tests.js
Expected behavior
Server Docs are deployed on HSRN Cluster and are able to be visited
Acceptance Criteria
I can go to
Testing Requirements
Server Docs update whenever there is a push to the server
Edited by Sidharth Shyamsukha